This rainy weather that has parked over the Salt Lake Valley partnered with our cool temperatures has created the perfect conditions for the peach leaf curl disease to infect your peach trees.

“Peach leaf curl is a fungal-caused, sporadic disease that we typically only see in backyard trees or smaller orchards. It affects leaves as they are expanding, leading to puckering, distortion, and discoloration of the foliage.

The optimal conditions for infection are at least 12 hours of rain at temperatures below 61°F.”

For more symptom descriptions see the latest Tree Fruit Advisory

“Unfortunately, there is nothing to do at this time of year to prevent or cure an infection, should it become apparent. Affected leaves can be removed from the area to reduce the presence of the fungus. The optimal time to treat for peach leaf curl is a single application of a fixed copper at leaf fall. This application should cover the entire tree, as the fungus survives as spores on the tree bark.” -Marion Murray, Utah State University Extension, Utah Pest Team.

To find a fixed copper product that is USDA Certified Organic visit the Organic Materials Review Institute at OMRI