There are two common species of flea beetles (the tobacco flea beetle and the western flea beetle) that are now actively feeding now on a variety of crops including: cabbage, radishes, eggplant, melons, peppers, potatoes, spinach, rutabagas, parsnips, collards, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beets tomatoes and turnips.

“Adult beetles, which produce most plant injuries, chew many small holes or pits in the leaves which produces a characteristic injury known as ‘shotholing’. Young plans and seedlings are particularly susceptible to this type of injury; growth may be seriously retarded and plants may even die.”

To manage flea beetles in your yard, a foliar spray may be applied. “Since plants produce continuous new growth and the highly mobile beetles can rapidly re-invade, insecticides usually have to be reapplied after a week.”-Utah Pest Advisory

Residential growers: carbaryl (Sevin),spinosad (Green Light, Monterey Garden Spray), neem oil and diatomaceous earth.
To read more on the tobacco and western flea beetles click HERE