The UTAH PESTS team does really amazing work and if you haven’t visited their website and/or aren’t currently signed up to receive their email advisories, I highly recommend you do it now. I mean right now… finish reading this blog post after you’ve signed up.

USU Pest Advisories

Ok, now that that’s taken care of, I’m so happy to announce that our Salt Lake County Demonstration Gardens at Wheeler Farm (and this blog) were featured in their 2016 Winter Newsletter. This is a pretty big deal, since these are only distributed quarterly and have such wide distribution across the whole state.

Our amazing Master Gardener volunteers are famous!

Master Gardener Volunteers at Work

You can read the full newsletter HERE, but I’ve also pulled out a few fun facts:

  • Wheeler Farm was settled by Joseph Hammond in 1853
  • It was acquired by the Wheeler family in 1887 and later sold to Salt Lake County Parks and Rec in 1969
  • The property is 89-acres and is the only agriculture living history museum / outdoor recreation site in urban Salt Lake County
  • Over 450,000 people visit Wheeler Farm annually
  • The Demonstration Teaching Garden will be completed this Spring!

garden summer

Also featured in the newsletter were highlights of the research that the University is doing, new invasive pests to keep an eye out for and tips for dealing with local diseases and pests. If you are still reading this and haven’t subscribed to the newsletter yet…here is the link again. Happy reading!