We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables tend to hold a higher price tag then processed food, but can you imagine paying almost $4,400 for one strawberry? Luxury fruits, like strawberries the size of tennis balls or grapes the size of ping pong balls, are making a statement in Japan and CNN’s Georgia McCafferty and Emiko Jozuka  recently wrote this article highlighting the cultural importance behind these extravagant foods.

Growing fruits that are unusual in size or shape has become a labor of love for a lot of Japanese farmers. Molds are placed on melons, pears and other fruits at immature stages to achieve the desired results. The effect is beautiful and unique produce that comes with a much higher price tag.

Square Watermleon

AFP/AFP / Getty Images

While the market for luxury fruit may not spread across the globe, we’d still say it’s a safe bet that Utahans want to grow the best looking peaches and nectarines as possible. The wet weather we’ve recently experienced at the end of March created the optimal conditions for the pathogen causing coryneum blight. Coryneum blight can cause spots or small reddish lesions on fruit that then become hard and rough, making the fruit less desirable to consumers. So, although the goal might not be a peach the size of a grapefruit that fits inside a jeweled box, we want you to successfully grow nutritious and attractive fruit .The easiest way to avoid failure is staying up to do date on potential threats by following the USU -Fruit IPM Advisories found here.

Coryneum Blight


On another note….

We wanted to let you, our dedicated readers, know about the upcoming Urban Homestead Expo next weekend! The event will be held Saturday, April 22nd from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Conservation Garden Park in West Jordan. Come join us for Earth Day and learn from our experts about backyard chickens, drip irrigation, beekeeping, food preservation, fruit trees, pest management and more! Plan to browse our booths and chat one-on-one with our staff, or attend presentations scheduled throughout the day.

Lunch will be available for purchase from Pat’s BBQ. Pre-register to get lunch for $13. If purchasing a lunch ticket at the door, the cost will be $15. The event and classes are FREE!

Class Schedule:

  • 10:15 AM • Lye Soap, Organic Gardening and Drip Irrigation
  • 11:15 AM • Beekeeping, Localscapes
  • 12:15 PM • Finances, Composting, Integrated Pest Management for Vegetables
  • 1:15 PM •  Creating Water-Efficient Park Strips, Backyard Chickens, and Fruit Trees