2020 was a challenging year to say the least, but our Farmers’ Markets at Senior Centers numbers are in and they are impressive if I must say so myself.  Drumroll please…

We serviced 2,500 seniors in 2020 during 40 markets with 9,610 pounds of fresh produce estimated at $22,747.

We gave away (amongst other things):

1,782 pounds of summer squash

1,652 pounds of slicing tomatoes

663 pounds of cherry tomatoes

498 pounds of corn

648 pounds of eggplant

263 pounds of hot peppers

333 pounds of turnips

282 pounds of onions

Whew, I’m exhausted but grateful for all our wonderful Master Gardener volunteers.  A big shout out to volunteers who grew and donated almost 2,000 pounds of fresh produce for our farmers’ markets in 2020!