Wow, what a tremendous new online resource!  The following is from Nick Volesky, our USU Extension Vegetable IPM Associate, happy reading!

The USU Extension IPM program is excited to share that the brand new Utah Vegetable Production and Pest Management website is now live!

This resource is a comprehensive guide for small and large vegetable producers across the state. All sections cover major crop families and include information on variety selection, soil management, planting, irrigation, harvest, and pest control. Detailed information on insect and disease management (cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical control) is also included. The pesticide tables provide a list of chemical control options for both home growers and commercial producers. All products have been reviewed for crop use, pests controlled, and registration in Utah. Throughout the website you will find photos, videos, and tables included to enhance user experiences and provide further education on practices mentioned throughout this guide.

Please take the time to view this great resource and share it with vegetable producers and home gardeners.

All text for this website is credited to the authors and editors of the Utah Vegetable Production and Pest Management Guide (2020-21 Edition). This site will continue to be updated with new content over time.