Upcoming February Webinars

Native Bee Conservation in Urban Areas (“Cultivating Healthy Plants” Webinar Series)
Pollinators, especially bees, are known for providing valuable ecosystem and agricultural services. Although the honey bee is gaining recognition for its vital role in our agricultural systems, the United States is home to more than 3600 different bee species, most of which are native. These native bees are continuing to decline as a result of habitat loss, inadequate food availability, improper management practices, pests/diseases, and more! Urban areas provide unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to enhancing pollinator resources and habitat. This talk will outline a variety of best practices for native bee conservation in urban and suburban areas.
• Abi Saeed, Thursday, February 11, 12 PM MST (Click Here to Register)

Protecting Utah from the Japanese Beetle (“Invasive Species” Webinar Series)
Presentation on the latest information on the invasive and highly destructive Japanese beetle. Adult beetles feed on fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, and field and vegetable crops, whereas grubs (immatures) feed on roots of various plants and grasses. This presentation will cover pest biology, identification, and the statewide monitoring effort to protect Utah’s agricultural resources.
• Joey Caputo, Tuesday, February 9, 12 PM MST (Click Here to Register)